Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Review Board take their time!

The decision to announce the Zenon Group as the preferred bidder to privatise the port and Marina of Larnaka is still being reviewed by a special "Review Board" after complaints and counter claims by the other 2 Consortiums.

It now appears that the whole process including all 3 tenders is under close analysis at present, which suggest that in theory at least its wide-open again as to which of the 3 Consortiums could win the bid.

The controlling powers of the "Review Board" do not extend much beyond the month of November 2008, subsequently a decision can be expected soon, which for all intense and purposes should be final.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Review Board decision still pending

Following the announcement of the preferred bidder and the subsequent appeal from the two remaining Consortium's, a review board was set-up to study the 3 comprehensive tender proposals.

It appears that the tender board is taking their time and the process is once again wide open.

A decision is expected before the middle of November.